
All geeky stuff

Set up Sonatype Nexus for maven repo

Sonatype nexus is a maven repository management tool. It has open source version and pro version. I am using the free open sourced one.
It has a quite comprehensive reference online for how to install and run it. Here is some simple notes.

  1. Download and extract content to some location. i.e. ~/tools/nexus
  2. Based on your machine running it, go to specific sub folder under nexus/webapp/bin/jsw. Mine is linux-x86-32
  3. Execute ./nexus start
  4. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8081/nexus
  5. If you see it running, good.(initial login credential is admin/admin123)
  6. Open your maven settings.xml (If have more than one maven version, it’s best to put settings.xml under your ~/.m2 folder and rename all the ones under each maven conf folder. This way you only need to manage one settings)

Here is how to update the settins.xml file:
Under servers, add


Under mirrors, add

    <name>local nexux</name>

Under profiles, add


Last make this profile always active


Now try to run your maven and see if it works. Hopefully it will đŸ™‚

Nexus by default will proxy a few popular public repositories like central and google code. In order to search artifacts, you will need to tell nexus to download index from those repository(by default it won’t). You can log in to nexus and for each repository, under configuration, change Download Remote Indexes to true. After save, you can right click the repository and select update index.

You can add more repositories to your nexus. Easiest way is to copy and paste:)
Thanks to my colleague Geoff FORD I have a copy from work. If you use default nexus settings, under nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf, there should be a nexus.xml file. Make a backup copy. Open and replace repositories section with following:

        <name>3rd party</name>
        <name>JBoss third party</name>

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