
All geeky stuff

Set up Sonatype Nexus for maven repo

Sonatype nexus is a maven repository management tool. It has open source version and pro version. I am using the free open sourced one.
It has a quite comprehensive reference online for how to install and run it. Here is some simple notes.

  1. Download and extract content to some location. i.e. ~/tools/nexus
  2. Based on your machine running it, go to specific sub folder under nexus/webapp/bin/jsw. Mine is linux-x86-32
  3. Execute ./nexus start
  4. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8081/nexus
  5. If you see it running, good.(initial login credential is admin/admin123)
  6. Open your maven settings.xml (If have more than one maven version, it’s best to put settings.xml under your ~/.m2 folder and rename all the ones under each maven conf folder. This way you only need to manage one settings)

Here is how to update the settins.xml file:
Under servers, add


Under mirrors, add

    <name>local nexux</name>

Under profiles, add


Last make this profile always active


Now try to run your maven and see if it works. Hopefully it will 🙂

Nexus by default will proxy a few popular public repositories like central and google code. In order to search artifacts, you will need to tell nexus to download index from those repository(by default it won’t). You can log in to nexus and for each repository, under configuration, change Download Remote Indexes to true. After save, you can right click the repository and select update index.

You can add more repositories to your nexus. Easiest way is to copy and paste:)
Thanks to my colleague Geoff FORD I have a copy from work. If you use default nexus settings, under nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf, there should be a nexus.xml file. Make a backup copy. Open and replace repositories section with following:

        <name>3rd party</name>
        <name>JBoss third party</name>

Shell script to quickly change environment

Shamelessly steal from work 🙂

echo Change Versions

    echo "Not set up yet!!!"
    #export JRE_HOME=
    #export JDK_HOME=
    export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA5
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

    echo "Changing to Java 1.5"
    #export JRE_HOME=
    #export JDK_HOME=$JAVA5
    export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA5
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

    echo "Changing to Java 1.6"
    #export JRE_HOME=
    #export JDK_HOME=
    export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA6
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

    echo "Changing to Maven 2"
    export M2_HOME=$TOOLS/apache-maven-2.2.1
    export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH

    echo "Changing to Maven 2"
    export M2_HOME=$TOOLS/apache-maven-3.0.2
    export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH

    echo "Please select :";
    echo "Where a = Java 4";
    echo "      b = Java 5";
    echo "      c = Java 6";
    echo "      d = Maven 2";
    echo "      e = Maven 3";

while read opt
    case "$opt" in
    a) java4;;
    b) java5;;
    c) java6;;
    d) maven2;;
    e) maven3;;

I have JAVA5 and JAVA6 variables set in a separate file. Save this to a file i.e. version and type . version will allow you to quickly switch dev environments.

set up Android development with maven and intellij

Download android SDK and unpack it to a location (mine is ~/tools/android-sdk-linux_x86).
Set up android home environment variable. Alternatively you may consider to have an environment variable setup file to better manage all these. See this post.

export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$HOME/tools/android-sdk-linux_x86

Set up andriod SDK


In the GUI click on Available Packages and select all the packages you want.
Click Virtual Devices and create a new android virtual device. Better name it something indicating its target android version(i.e. avd2.3.3). Adjust other settings as you wish.

Bare minimal android SDK is all done now. Next move onto maven. There is an excellent blog for all the details from the archetype author here. The simplest step will be (assuming you already have maven set up and you also prefer to have test with all your code):

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=android-quickstart \ \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0.4 \ \

Watch it finishes and now you can use intellij to open the pom.xml file.
Open your Project Structrue (ctrl+alt+shift+s), select Platform Settings->SDKs and create a new Android SDK by browsing to your installed location. Back to your Project Settings->Modules, click Dependencies tab and flip Module SDK to android.

Open your android activity file (if you use the archetype then the default created one is ctrl+shift+F10 to run it. You should see a virtual device launched and your dummy application is deployed on it. Hooray!

Note: by default it will launch the first virtual device you created. But if you have more than one and want to run your application on a different one, you can choose it from the run configurations menu.

ubuntu dev environment (intelliJ and environment variables)

Quick notes to myself and may help others.

  • Download simsun.ttf font and double click to install. Change browser font settings to use this fond. Better Chinese view.
  • Download jdk, maven, intellij and install.
  • Create a text file (I generally name it env_variable) under home directory with following content(adjust accordingly):
    export WORK=$HOME/work
    export TOOLS=$HOME/toolsexport JAVA_HOME=$TOOLS/jdk1.6.0_22
    export JDK_HOME=$JAVA_HOMEexport IDEA_HOME=$TOOLS/idea-IU-107.105
    export SCRIPTS=$HOME/scripts
    export M3_HOME=$TOOLS/apache-maven-3.0.3
    #export M2_HOME=$TOOLS/apache-maven-2.2.1
    #export ROO=$TOOLS/spring-roo-1.1.0.RELEASE
    export GROOVY_HOME=$TOOLS/groovy-1.8.2
    export NEXUS_HOME=$TOOLS/nexus-
    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$TOOLS/android-sdk-linux_x86
  • Open file manage (nautilus) and go to home folder, ctrl + h to show hidden files. Then open .profile file and add following line (assuming saving above created file as env_variable)
    # load environment variables
    . $HOME/env_variables

    The reason why we source this environment variable file in .profile is, if you want to launche intellij from your desktop GUI(gnome), it requires JDK_HOME being set. If you don’t have .bash_profile defined, both your terminal and gnome will use .profile. This way you can easily create an application launcher in gnome.

  • Right click gnome panel and select Add to Panel…, then select Custome Application Launcher, name as ‘intellj’, command browse to your intellij bin folder and select There are some nice icon under bin folder too for you to choose. After reboot you should be able to launch intellij from here.
  • Change file system watcher handles number. See this for more detail. If you use latest intellij you should already have those fsnotifier files under your intellij bin folder. All you need to do is execute following command in shell
    gksu gedit /etc/sysctl.conf


    fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288

    to last line. Execute

    sudo sysctl -p

    to take effect.

  • For ubuntu 10.04 only. If you want your gnome terminal to open up with a better default size, execute
    gksu gedit /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

    find lines as

    xterm-xfree86|xterm-new|xterm terminal emulator (XFree86):\

    The co#80 is the column width and li#24 is row number. I normally make column to 132.

Happy coding 🙂

Install ubuntu 10.04 on thinkpad L420

My L420 has the serial number 78544KM. There are other serial numbers available and seems like the devices are a bit different, i.e. the wireless device.

Run following command in your shell should give you what your wireless device is

lspci -nn | grep -i network

Mine is this:
03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:0085] (rev 34)

I initially install ubuntu 10.04 LTS and the kernel version is 2.6.32-33-generic. According to this post upgrade kernel version to 2.6.36-xx will fix it. But at that time I went to the other option, installing a compact wireless driver. It worked.

There is another problem with ubuntu 10.04. The screen resolution is max at 1024*768 which isn’t the full capacity. I posted a thread in ubuntu forum and get the answer to upgrade to newer kernel version.
Here is the command to do it.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:glasen/intel-driver
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty linux-headers-generic-lts-backport-natty

From the first post link, it seems like for ubuntu 10.10, you can upgrade to
linux-headers-2.6.36-1 directly without having to use a backport version from a ppa. I may give it a try if I need to reinstall my os again in the future… while unity still sucks to use…